Choosing the right care for a loved one can be stressful, especially when you don’t have all the information you need. Here are a few links that you may find useful.

The Care Quality Commission
The Care Quality Commission is the independent regulator of health and social care in England.

The UK Homecare Association
The UKHA has been raising the standard of home care for over 25 years.

The Live-in Care Hub
The Live-in Care Hub is raising the quality of care in the UK by giving people the opportunity to be cared for at home, where they can still feel part of everyday life.

This site explains the different stages of Parkinson’s well.

There’s lots of help and advice on this site.

The NHS pages provide simple explanations.

This site is a good place to start if you want to know more.

A good explanation and an overview of symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.

Headway is a great charity working with people with brain injuries.
Multiple sclerosis

The MS Society is a great place to start for information and advice:

Another good site with lots of information and even the facility to live chat with an MS advisor.

The NHS page includes a useful, high-level overview.
Motor neurone disease

This site is very thorough and includes a section specifically targeted at carers.

For symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment, take a look at this page.

The NHS page includes a useful, high-level overview.
Spinal injury

The Spinal Injuries Association provides a good overview and lots of helpful advice:

This discussion forum has been created by DJ, a C6 quadriplegic from Canada, and Lara, a T12 paraplegic from the UK.
Hearing aid

Hearing care for the whole family, this includes the provision of private hearing aids; hearing and communication assessments for adults and children using our state-of-the-art testing and diagnostic equipment and combined experience of more than 50 years of audiological know-how; clinical ear care – including micro-suction wax removal and ear infection advice and management; consultations for specialist ear concerns such as tinnitus, glue ear and hearing protection.